Friday, July 13, 2012

Oh July, we're gunna set the world on fire.

It's a beautiful Friday the 13th here in Denton! 
And my first day back at work. How unlucky for me. 
Wait. Let me rephrase all of that. I love my job and I’m really glad to be back with the boys and hanging out. However, my brother and his fiance are in town and I really wanted to spend the day with them. Marmee even took the day off to explore with them! She never takes the day off to explore with me-sigh. 
Over it. 
HAPPY DAYS! I have a surprise.... I got a puppy! (obviously it didn’t take much to get the secret out). His name is Boone (previously known as Rover-had to change that) I couldn’t let him stay in the pound. He’s too beautiful to spend his days there/be put to sleep. And the good news., he was half price! In the month of July all pets are half price at the Denton Animal Shelter, So if you ever wanted a sweet little furry friend like Boone, go check them out. Now. 
He thinks he's a lap dog & he likes popsicles. Whatta cuttie. 
Isn’t he precious?!? Comment below with your “aww”’s and “can’t wait to meet him”’s.. 
So here’s the sitch. We’ve gone and come back from Austin, where we had a grand time celebrating Skye’s birthday. We’ve mastered doing the dip (ditching/leaving/escaping) on creepers or people that we were bored with. We’ve made new friends, ran into old ones, and had an all around great weekend. Floating the river was an experience and I did not get a sunburn. Hollla! It might help that I’m already super tan, so my first initial sunburn has already taken place. 
My week has consisted of packing, cleaning, packing, occasionally sleeping, and more packing. In between those things I may have gone to an orientation (pictured to the left. Photo Cred to Greer), gone swimming with the boys and taken them to Bonkers, and hung out with some friends. It’s been a good week. Nothing life changing. Sorry to bore you. 

Saturday (tomorrow) I get to fly to Stephenville with friends. You may think that silly, but the cool part is that I have a friend, who is a pilot, who can fly us to freakin Stephenville just for the heck of it. Jealous? And I move in on Sunday1!! woooo! Free cupcakes and cake balls to those who help me move. You know you want some. 
I’ll post pictures of the new place when I get it all set up. 
I can't get my mind off of

Song obsession:
Wagon wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show
Perhaps its the banjo in it. Perhaps it's that I really do feel like I should be traveling somewhere when I listen to it. Perhaps it's his voice. I.Don't. Know. But what I do know, is that I can't get enough of this song. Every time we hop in the car to go somewhere, I play it at least once. I even have the boys singing it at the top of their lungs now.
 But that's not all! 
If you know anything about me, you'll know that I'm mildly obsessed with Mumford and Sons. So when I found this, I kind of..maybe a little bit...freaked out a lot. 
I'm in love. Seriously.
Craft of the week: this
I’ve been able to secure two globes to work with in this project. I really love that you can basically find anything you’ve ever wanted to do on Pinterest. It makes life so easy. Anyways-I plan on painting verses on them, any suggestions of which ones? I’ll be sure to show you guys the finished project!! 

Also-I’ll be redoing a brass headboard (which is harder than it looks), Painting a tacky gold frame, which will later house a mirror, and making DIY work-out shirts. Check back for the updates! 

What I'm nervous about:
Now that I seriously only have a few hours left till I graduate college, I’m constantly wondering what the next chapter of my life looks like. Do i go to grad school (which I’m leaning towards more and more each day), or do I just....pick up and go somewhere? Friends say it’s the best time to go where you want to- you don’t have ties to the city anymore. But secretly, I love Denton. I mean-I would love to go to Seattle, but I’d get there...and then what? I know what I want to do, I just don't know how to go about doing it. For now, Denton is my home and my focus. I’ll go where I’m told. Let’s make the most of this place. 

Keep it real,



  1. Wagon Wheel is Crockett's favorite song. :( Now I miss him. Thanks jerk.

    I KEED! I KEED! (About you being a jerk.)

    Looove your puppy!!

  2. Ah! Sorry Love. But maybe if you show him the Mumford and Sons version, he'll love you just a weeee little more than before. Because it's that good.

    Miss you!
