And with you...
With all of the jokes that I’ve made about July 4, I feel some people may not think that I take it seriously enough. I want to say that I am so incredibly thankful for the country that I was born in. Thank you to all the men and women, past, present, and future, in the military that have fought for my freedom. I’m grateful to live in a country where I can worship freely, say what I wish, and ultimately be who I want to be. I don’t for a second take any of that for granted.
I especially want to thank the friends and family that I know who are fighting/ have fought for our freedom. Tyler, Aaron, Jacob, soon Mr. Wilson, the newest edition; Crockett, my father, and last but most certainly not least, my grandpa.
My life would be drastically different if you guys and those that came before you had decided that the military was of no interest. You guys are heros and I just really can’t thank you enough for fighting for our country. #MERICA!
This Fourth was spent with great friends. Eating hot dogs, making cake balls (I made them red, white, and blue!), and watching fireworks at Fouts Field. I missed out on the sparklers this year. Sad day. But! I did get to spend it with Whitney! Again, aren’t we presh?
I’m off to help a little boy defeat Mario (though he’s doing very well without any help) and then to clean my apartment. ...and keep packing.
Stay alive,
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