Fourth of July shorts!
My inspiration:

So excited to share with you guys my first DIY on here! Fourth of July is right around the corner! If you’ve been on Pinterest, you’ve seen the Fourth of July shorts that have been circulating for two months and thought, “I think I’d like to make those!”. But if you’re like me, you don’t trust your painting skills and are in no way skilled with a needle and thread. So how do we get around these dilemmas?
Bandanas and fabric glue.
No lie. It worked like a charm. Follow this step-by-step tutorial and you can make your own Fourth of July shorts for super cheap!!
- Grab some shorts you don’t care about anymore. I bought mine at Denton Thrift for three dollars! No need to break the bank for shorts you’re just going to craft with.
- Grab your favorite stars patterned bandana (or actual fabric) and your favorite stripes pattern. I had some trouble finding stripes I liked so finally settled on the wavy. I purchased mine at Hobby Lobby for .99 cents each. And you only need two bandanas to get the job done.
- Buy some fabric glue. $3.99 for 4 oz. You’ll use it again, Promise.
- Trace on the bandanas where you want the fabric to line on your shorts. Follow said trace and cut them out. It’s okay if it’s a little off. You can tuck and trim. But in all honesty, who’s really going to be looking that closely?
- Put fabric glue on your shorts. Don’t be shy about the amount, but don’t drench it either. It’s like using a glue stick. If you don’t use enough, fabric falls off. If you use to much, it’s to wet and falls off.
- Hold in place!
- Wanna make it a little fancier? Put some lace on those beauts! I was going to add some gems on the side where there wasn’t enough fabric but it looked tacky. So instead I said “who cares. YOLO”. Okay, I didn’t really say that, but...if anyone judges me, forget ‘em.
- Let them sit for 24 hours. Don’t rush a good thing.
- Wear them proud Wednesday night!!
I seriously spent 10 dollars on this whole project.
Any questions? Anything not explained clearly? This girls tutorial (though she’s kind of annoying) really helped me. And whoops, I ended up using the same fabric as her.
Happy Independence Day!
Holy cow, those are super cute!!!